BSBWHS401 Implement and monitor WHS, policies and procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
BSBWHS332X Apply infection prevention and control procedures to own work activities
Single Units and Skill Sets are provided as options for people to put together micro-credentials that suit their personal upskilling needs. Speak to a Unleashed Collective representative to establish units or a single unit that works best for you.


BSBWHS401 Implement and monitor WHS, policies and procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
BSBWHS332X Apply infection prevention and control procedures to own work activities
All available units have been selected after careful Industry Consultation. Industry have made decisions, provided advice, guidance and support in the development of the course content – this is to ensure you receive the most up to date and relevant learning. The Unleashed Collective. undertakes a rigorous continuous improvement, moderation and validation process. The Unleashed Collective will provide you with learning that will assist in your career advancement, workplace goals, professional development and will have impact personally.
There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification however the following is strongly encouraged.
To successfully complete the course we request you hold basic computer skills and be capable of using Microsoft documents, opening, saving documents including PDFs and scanning and emailing documents.
Applicants minimum age is 15 years old. If under 18 years of age the enrolment form will need to be signed by a parent or guardian.
This course involves reading and undertaking written assessments plus interacting in groups. Your studies will heavily rely on written communication. Language, Literacy and Numeracy is assessed prior to entry into any of our programs. This is a requirement to provide the correct level of support or referrals suitable to your application. Your enrolment will also involve an interview to ensure your suitability for the training.

A few days face to face workshops
12 months to complete the course
Structured distance learning
Regular and fun touch base sessions
Ongoing online/phone and video support
Training and assessment takes place in a classroom and involves discussions and group activities. Classroom based training also requires some self-directed learning, where further study and assessment activities are done by participants in their own time.
additional webinars in place
Structured distance learning
12 months to complete the course
Regular and fun touch base sessions
Ongoing online/phone and video support
The Unleashed Collective understands the need for flexibility when studying therefore we offer the course via distance education. Students will complete the written assessments in their own time and one of our experienced trainers will meet with the student where necessary to perform practical and simulated assessments. Note: To be able to complete the course via distance, students must be employed within the industry.
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Each unit includes a Portfolio/Project work that are developed over time and will aid in job-ready evidence to support you in your role.
Students will also undertake an assessment of the skills and knowledge they hold on the topic, to show previous experience.
Assessments will be gathered via Learning activities, Knowledge-Based Questioning, Portfolio of Evidence/Projects and any Practical Assessments.