When factoring in all other costs for a celebration - you do, at some stage need to consider the cost of the celebrant into your budget! The celebrant is the one who can turn your celebration into a memorable milestone. The day becomes complete with the professional approach that a celebrant can offer in your event.
The cost of a celebrant will vary greatly and the reasons are defined by the following; The industry has no set pricing structures in place and often a celebrant will set their own worth on their services. Sort after or experienced/in demand celebrants can [and often will] charge higher rates - because people will pay for quality or the unique skills that the celebrant offers. Heck, there are even destination celebrants that get flown in for events - so elite is possible! Some celebrants will charge either flat rates or have standard fees set based off their local competitors pricing or what suits their personal worth. Us celebrants are active little critters, jump online to check us out - you will get a really good feel for the style of each celebrant when you see what they post on their socials!
Based off serviceseeking.com, research in 2018 found that Sydney celebrants can charge $65 per hour with some charging $75!
-Perth celebrants $50 per hour
-Melbourne celebrants $65 per hour
-Brisbane celebrants $55 per hour
You will find that celebrants will often provide a quote for the entire service - so you are aware up front of all costs.

Referring to the CCN website [Civil Celebrants Network - an Association for celebrants], you will find a breakdown of celebrants costs and expenditure. This list is long and detailed - most of it is needed to operate a business successfully, so costs going out are essential but is it worth it - oh yes it is!
A celebrant will average approximately 10-15 hours invested into each client and their ceremony - this might include;
-Crafting the ceremony content
-Communication and preparation [paperwork, emails]
-Rehearsal & equipment checks [if required]
-Any add on's or after service care
There are other variables to be considered also;
-Where is the ceremony located?
-How long will it run for?
-What is involved in the crafting?
-What is involved on the day?
These factors below are what celebrants will consider when providing a quote, so be prepared to answer them;
-Do you have plan B if having an outdoor ceremony?
-Are you after a short and sweet or long ceremony?
-Do you have time restraints on the venue hire?
-What inclusions/symbols/participation would you like in your ceremony?
-Will you write any content for the ceremony, such as your vows?
-Are their any additional responsibilities on the day of ceremony? [Coordination of people, events or symbology/inclusions]
A well trained celebrant will offer advice and provide a service that meets your needs. Shop around, find a personality and style of celebrant that matches your wants. Meet them, before making a decision [Often first meetings are obligation free].
Ceremony is such a personal choice, and should be remembered for years to come. Spend some time thinking about what you want and looking for the celebrant that matches these goals.
If becoming a celebrant sounds like a fun career move you can find out more via the link; https://www.theunleashedcollective.com/ The Unleashed Collective offers a modern approach to celebrancy training. Offering mixed mode and distance learning options, where students have 18 months to complete their studies of 10 modules - with the assurance of ongoing support!