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Often, when we embarked on a mission to find a course that suits our needs we get lost in the offers, the fancy wording, the instructions and are left wondering; “well what course is right for me and my life”?!

Eventually, every piece of content you read begins to mingle into the next and you put it aside for a few more months hoping that it will make more sense down the track…..

And this is what has inspired this piece – today you can make the decision to step into your celebrancy career using the key identifiers needed to pick the best training to be a celebrant.

So, to help you make a decision that works for your current situation, The Unleashed Collective has made a list and explained the steps for your consideration below.

#1 Work out how much time in your schedule can be set aside for learning and assessments [each week] – the national nominal hours for the CHC41015 Certificate IV in Celebrancy is 765 hours (provided by NCVER – National Centre for Vocational Education Research – not that it is common to talk in hours anymore but to give you an idea!). Most providers deliver this training over a 12 month period some suggest less and here at The Unleashed Collective we suggest 18 months. Most full-time workers can average 10 hours of study time a week (without stretching themselves thin and wearing themselves out) this has been researched by Open Universities Australia who suggest 10-12 hours a week suitable study time for their learners.

*Click here for a free time management schedule*

#2 Delivery mode of training; When we look at time, we also need to factor in what face to face classroom [if any] presence is required? Do the dates, times of classes and venues fit your needs? Are they accessible and suitable? Is the training provider giving you clear options of classroom choices and explanations? When it comes time to undertake distance education – what support is in place to complete the remaining sections of the course?

#3 What subjects are relevant; Here in Australia; The training package rules consists of 13 units in total: 6 Core units and 7 Electives [3 of which must be from the Celebrancy Group – these are required by the Attorney Generals Department to apply for registration as an authorised marriage celebrant]. Electives must reflect relevance to work outcomes - An example of the 13 units are;

#4 What provider meets my needs; Now that you have considered the element of time and understand the units required, lets understand who is providing the training. There are approximately 11 providers who have CHC41015 Certificate IV in Celebrancy on scope in Australia but not provide the qualification in every state. The people running these operations are trained individuals who quite possibly began with the same passion in their bellies as you have right now, their love of celebrancy (and education) in many cases would have turned into a drive to establish an RTO – Registered Training Organisation. RTOs must meet strict guidelines of compliance through a National regulator, ASQA – Australian Skill Quality Authority (& in some cases State Authorities). Compliance is a HUGE part of owning an RTO in Australia. RTOs are often described as colleges and are 100% equivalent to TAFE’. A certificate IV is a certificate IV nation-wide – those that are registered with ASQA all must meet the Standards. provides a list of current RTOs providing training in Australia;

You can be assured that each provider you investigate has at some stage been under the microscope of ASQA! Providers that show the NRT Logo in their course brochure where they list the CHC41015 Certificate IV in Celebrancy course are ones that know the Standards expected by ASQA. The NRT logo has strict conditions in the way it is used to identify Nationally Recognised Training.

The BIG deliberations from here are; Pricing, Support, Privacy, The enrollment and application process, Content and Reputation.

#5 Pricing, Support and Privacy must be made clearly available and not left for interpretation. Often RTO websites will host access to their Leaners Handbook – these should be designed to provide potential learners information about the fair, safe and supportive environments being provided. Privacy is also a matter to be addressed.

The RTOs Privacy Policy, Fees and Refunds Policy and Fee Schedule and Pricing Policies should all be available on their website – often found within the footer or at least accessible via email or mail if preferred.

· Please note that collection of fees may come under fee protection conditions when RTOs are charging over $1,500.00 for a course. (Standard 7.7.3 and Schedule 6).

#6 The enrollment and application process needs to be thorough after much debate through the VET (Vocational Education & Training) system strict conditions are in place to ensure learners are making the right choices when signing up for a training course. You should get the feeling that the RTO you chose for your training actually cares about your learning pathway and goals. It is common for leaner's to complete an online application/enrollment form, to then be contacted (mostly telephoned) by the RTO to discuss your learning goals and pathways. Learners will undertake an LLN Assessment (Language, Literacy and Numeracy), prior to enrollment or before training commences, so the RTO can establish background, motivation and general abilities of the learner where support can be actioned, suitable for each individual.

The Course Brochure should be available upon enrollment which is specific about the course being offered this document is an RTO requirement and outlines; Units of competency, assessment requirements, RPL (recognised prior learning) and other. important student information.

#7 Although each RTO is creating their course content around the training package rules – all are very different in their approach. Check out the reputation of the RTO, reviews or past students comments, what is their community outreach? The learning undertaking during the training will be determined by many factors (to name a few); The information being provided by the RTO, the support being provided and the learners commitment to their learning. You will be able to identify the strength and passion put into the courses by the service you receive and via the image and reputation of the people behind the business. This will be relevant to you and your journey to establishing your own celebrancy business.

So now that you have had Training to be a celebrant: Explained easily lets summaries;

-#1 Work out how much time you have available for study and the time provided by the RTO to complete the course

-#2 Identify what delivery mode or modes suit your needs - what will get you the best outcome?

-#3 What subjects suit your skill set and wants?

-#4 What provider best met my needs?

-#5 Has the RTO provided upfront information on pricing, support and my privacy?

-#6 Does the application and enrollment process appear straight forward and easy to follow - has it been explained well?

-#7 Does the RTO have a good reputation and can cater for me?

To find out what steps need to be taken after you complete the CHC41015 Certificate IV in Celebrancy course to become an Authorised Marriage Celebrant, look out for our blog!





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